So much has been happening lately! Its like, I can't keep track of where I am supposed to be next! Everything is nothing like I expected it to be. What I mean by that is that is I thought people would just come to my station and play my game ect. Its nothing like that. You have to grab people. Make them come to your display. Be passionate about your idea.

The stange thing is the door never stays closed. New faces I have never seen before walk into the exhibition. We get about 3 minutes to get from one job to another.

It feels a bit akward to have to talk to people that you have never seen in your life and tell them about your project. Its also a lot of fun though because we get to experience talking to new people and to present our hard work to every one.  My favorite part is when the younger students come and play our sorting game. To see some one having fun thanks to us is a joy to see.

When the older students come I have to admit that a get quite nervous!  I don't know a single fifth grader who wants to go and grab a kid double their size and tell them about their project. It was scary at the beginning but you would find that the middle schoolers weren't so scary after all.

Exhibition is a lot of fun but a bit tiering. I'm glad we are doing it.